How Do I Assign Employees to Projects and Departments?
It is important to document the assignment of employees to projects and departments as this will ensure that all relevant documents and training is in place and compliance is maintained. Assignment is used for reporting purposes and can link the employee data to the project or department.
To assign employees to a project from the Projects module:
- On the left column, go to Projects.
- Click on the project you want to allocate/deallocate an employee.
- Scroll down to ‘People’.
- Click ‘+Allocate/Deallocate People’.
- Two sections will show ‘Select to Add’ and ‘Select to Remove’ with a list of people.
- Tick the box(es) you wish to add/remove.
- You also have the option to select all people, click on the blue tick at the top of the page.
- To deselect all people, click on the red ‘X’ at the top of the page.
- Click the arrow button.
To assign employees to a project from the People module:
- On the left column, go to 'People'.
- Click on the employee you want to allocate/deallocate.
- Scroll down to 'Projects'.
- Click ‘+Allocate/Deallocate Projects’.
- Two sections will show ‘Select to Add’ and ‘Select to Remove’ with a list of Projects.
- Tick the box(es) you wish to add/remove.
- You also have the option to select all projects, click on the blue tick at the top of the page.
- To deselect all locations, click on the red ‘X’ at the top of the page.
- Click the arrow button
The employee will now be assigned to the projects you have selected.
This is required before you can assign employees to a project or department: